Find Out the Latest News About Curaleaf Can Renew, THC-infused Candy Would Be Banned, and Weed May Pass Despite Gov. Carney’s Silence

In today’s marijuana health news, find out about how New Jersey cannabis regulators voted to permit Curaleaf to continue recreational marijuana sales in the state. Meanwhile, a state legislator wishes to prohibit the sale or delivery of candies containing THC. Lastly, since the Delaware General Assembly passed two measures that would legalize marijuana in the state nearly two weeks ago, neither has been signed by Governor John Carney. 

Curaleaf Can Renew Its Recreational License in New Jersey, Reversing a Prior Ruling

Original Source: New Jersey cannabis regulators will allow Curaleaf to renew its recreational license, vacating an earlier decision

On Monday, New Jersey cannabis regulators overturned a previous decision to deny Curaleaf’s license renewal and allowed company to sell recreational marijuana under specific conditions.

This Monday, the Cannabis Regulation Commission (CRC) board withdrew the company of its recreational customer service license. That judgment would have affected Curaleaf’s adult-use sales at at least two dispensaries in Edgewater Park and Bellmawr and the company’s ability to cultivate recreational marijuana on April 21, the one-year anniversary of legal recreational marijuana in New Jersey.

Curaleaf CEO Matt Darin said, “As we said following the judgment [last week], this was an arbitrary decision without legal validity, and that’s been demonstrated with the board’s fresh decision today.”

The CRC denied Curaleaf’s recreational license renewal due to the closure of a Bellmawr growing facility, which laid off 40 workers. The corporation has also been accused of interfering with unionizing efforts, which violates New Jersey’s cannabis law, which requires enterprises to establish a labor peace agreement and negotiate collective bargaining agreements within 200 days of unionization.

The board’s prior ruling would have had a “ripple impact” on New Jersey’s cannabis market, from product availability to pricing, Darin added. The company’s products are “carried on practically every shelf in the state” and have the greatest market share in the state’s cannabis market, he said.

Darin added, “This would have hampered our capacity to develop adult-use products, which would have had a big influence on the New Jersey market.” He noted that the CRC’s judgment “gives us clarity that we can continue to operate as we have been, which is the result that we were seeking.”

Curaleaf employees and supporters protested in Trenton the day the CRC reversed its decision. A firm official said more than 1,500 New Jersey individuals contacted 110 state representatives to reverse the decision, and about 100 people protested for two hours.

CRC chair Dianna Houenou said at Monday’s meeting that the company’s recreational license might now be renewed under certain circumstances. Curaleaf must provide the CRC with “proof of good faith efforts to negotiate for collective bargaining agreements at each plant,” specifics regarding any New Jersey business changes, and updated information about “good faith efforts” to hire employees and contractors. “To its activities and tactics,” Houenou stated, Curaleaf must testify under oath.

By June’s CRC meeting, Curaleaf must disclose the information, Houenou added. The corporation might lose its renewed license or be fined if it doesn’t.

Maria Del Cid-Kosso, Sam Delgado, and Krista Nash joined Houenou in voting to overturn the board’s decision and extend the company’s recreational license. Charles Barker voted nay.

According to Houenou, Curaleaf’s motion to suspend the verdict was moot after the vote. 10 minutes was the emergency meeting.

On Monday, Nash dubbed the judgment Curaleaf’s “second chance to course correct.”

“The cannabis sector in this state is at a crossroads,” Nash said. “We can either be faithful to the law and safeguard the hardworking men and women of New Jersey who want decent salaries and working conditions, or we can promote bad behavior and ignore these regulations for money and profits.”

THC-infused Candy Would Be Banned

Original Source: Bill would ban gummies with THC

Assembly Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Committee Chairman Phil Steck, D-Schenectady, introduced A.4934 to modify the state Cannabis Law. When marijuana businesses operate around the state, Steck worried about consumers consuming too many THC-laced sweets or edibles.

In his legislative justification, Steck wrote, “One of the most prominent differences between smoking marijuana and eating edibles is the delayed onset of effects associated with edibles which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours to experience.” This delay can lead to people consuming more drug than intended. Edibles’ THC content is difficult to measure and generally unknown. Many edibles contain much more THC than advertised since THC content and product labeling regulations and quality assurance are weak.

In January, Pediatrics revealed that between 2017 and 2021, poison control centers received more than 7,000 reports of children under 6 ingesting marijuana edibles, rising from 200 to more than 3,000 per year. Around 25% of youngsters were hospitalized, some critically. As more states legalize medical and recreational cannabis, kids are consuming pot candy, chocolate, and cookies. According to a Jan. 3 Associated Press report, 37 states allow medical marijuana and 21 allow adult recreational usage.

Researchers tracked nearly 5,000 cases from over 7,000 reports. Around 600 kids, or 8%, were admitted to critical care units, most with decreased breathing or coma. Almost 15% were admitted to non-critical care units and over a third visited emergency rooms. Most symptoms were drowsiness, respiratory issues, rapid heart rate, and vomiting.

Steck wrote that edibles often have multiple adult servings. “Edibles are the most likely form of marijuana intake to result in emergency room visits for marijuana overdose, or acute marijuana intoxication. In authorized states and nationwide, children are accidentally eating marijuana edibles at frightening rates. Because they look like sweets or snacks, children may eat more than the prescribed dose.

In 2017, Colorado outlawed gummy bears, animals, people, and fruit-shaped sweets to deter youngsters. NM is proposing a similar bill.

Steck claimed in his legislative rationale that prohibiting all candy-like goods with THC can protect children from accidental marijuana ingestion and reduce marijuana overdose. “Recreational cannabis legalization is new to the state, and it is essential to ensure public health and safety.”

Delaware’s Legal Weed May Pass Despite Gov. Carney’s Silence

Original Source: Gov. Carney is still mum on legal weed in Delaware — but it could become law anyway

The Delaware General Assembly passed two laws to legalize marijuana about two weeks ago, but Gov. John Carney has yet to sign either.

On March 28, the state Senate passed House Bill 1 and House Bill 2, legalizing adult marijuana possession and commercial marijuana growing and sales. Many expect Carney to veto both bills, as he did last year.

The Delaware state constitution gives the governor 10 days (excluding Sundays) to sign or veto a measure, after which it becomes law by default.

It’s been 13 days since Delaware’s marijuana legalization measures passed, not including Sundays. Delaware hasn’t legalized marijuana yet.

Important information:

Does Carney’s office receive bills?

It’s ambiguous.

Emily Hershman, Carney’s communications director, declined comment. The legislation’ major sponsor, Rep. Ed Osienski (D., Newark), did not comment.

We don’t know when or if Carney’s office received House Bill 1 and House Bill 2. Both legislation have “ready for governor action” status online.

This session, Carney has moved faster on several bills. Once the Senate passed it, Carney signed a bill exempting Delawareans from federal taxes on relief rebate payments. The day it passed the Senate, he signed another that granted jobless benefit recipients post-pandemic relief.

According to Delaware House Democratic Majority spokesman Shannon Keith, bills don’t automatically travel to the governor’s desk after passing.

“They may sit with the legislature for days, weeks, or even months,” Keith added. “Two weeks is normal for these bills.”

Carney may veto.

It’s unknown.

Although the measures passed last month, Carney’s administration said he remains concerned about marijuana legalization in Delaware.

“The governor continues to have great concerns about the unintended implications of legalizing marijuana for recreational use in our state, especially concerning the impacts on our young people and traffic safety,” Hershman told The Inquirer last month. He understands others’ sincere disagreements. However, we have no new information regarding the governor’s behavior today.”

Last year, Carney blocked similar legalization. This year, lawmakers may be able to overturn that veto.

The House passed the legislation with a two-thirds supermajority, and a 3/5 majority in both chambers may override a veto. Last month, Osienski expressed optimism for reversing one.

“OK, you know, you had one shot at vetoing this, you did and you were successful, but don’t bank on us backing that veto again,” Osienski said.

Delaware’s constitution?

“If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within ten days, Sundays excepted, after it shall have been delivered to him or her,” the Delaware Constitution states, it will become law as if the governor signed it.

Presenting it to them is crucial.

Keith said the 10-day rule doesn’t apply until bills are forwarded to the governor.

What’s in House Bill 1 and 2?

House Bill 1 legalizes marijuana possession for 21-year-olds (as well as equivalent amounts in other forms, such as concentrates and edibles). Public marijuana usage and personal marijuana cultivation would remain illegal, and minors might be fined for possession.

The Delaware Marijuana Control Act (House Bill 2) regulates adult-use marijuana. According to the bill’s description, up to 30 retailers would be authorized and a 15% sales tax would be imposed.

Delaware’s cannabis market would grow if the proposals pass. Since 2011, the state has sold medical marijuana. The state decriminalized marijuana and expanded it to cover under-21s that year.

Summary of Today’s Marijuana Health News

Overall, Curaleaf had its license to sell recreational marijuana in New Jersey temporarily revoked, but that decision was overturned by the state’s cannabis regulators. The board of the Cannabis Regulation Commission (CRC) made the decision following a meeting last week in which they revoked the company’s license to sell recreational marijuana in the state.

On the other hand, State Cannabis Law Amendment Bill A.4934 was introduced by Assemblyman Phil Steck (D-Schenectady), who also serves as the head of the Assembly Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Committee. Steck voiced fear that as more marijuana outlets operate across the state, more people will consume delicacies containing THC.

Finally, two proposals to legalize marijuana in Delaware were passed by the General Assembly about two weeks ago, but Governor John Carney has yet to sign them into law. Both House Bill 1 and House Bill 2, which were approved by the state Senate on March 28th, make it possible for adults to legally possess marijuana and lay the groundwork for its commercial cultivation and sale. After blocking identical legislation last year, many are anticipating a veto from Governor Carney on either bill.



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