{“_id”: “603d1c8e2862f63a1211cc43”, “slug”: “amroha-shabnam-case-shabnam-viral-photo-was-inside-rampur-jail-two-captive-guards-suspended-in-rampur-jail”, ” type “:” photo-gallery “,” status “:” publish “,” title_hn “:” u0924 u0938 u094d u0935 u0940 u0930 u0947 u0902: u0936 u092c u0928 u092e u0915 u0947 u0935 u093e u092f u0930 u0932 u092b u094b u091f u094b u0915 u093e u0938 u093e u092e u0928 u0947 u0906 u093 u0 u u09 u093 u093 u093 u0 u U09la, U0907 U0938 U092a U0939 U093fa U0932 U093a U09l5 U0948 U0926 U0940 U09l5 U0947 U0938 U093a U0925 U09l5 U093fa U092fa U093a U09l7 U092fa U093a U092c u0930 u0947 u0932 u0940 u091c u0947 u0932 u0936 u093f u092b u094d u091f “,” category “: {” title “:” City & states “,” title_hn “:” u0936 u0939 u0930 u0914 u0930 u0930 u093e u091c u094d u092f “,” slug “:” city-and-states “}}
Amar Ujala Network, Rampur Published by: Shahrukh Khan
Updated Tue, 02 Mar 2021 12:47 AM IST
shabnam case – photo: amar ujala
Shabnam of Bawankhedi of Amroha convicted of killing seven family members a few days ago went viral with a photo of another female prisoner from Rampur district jail. Shabnam and the female prisoner present in the photo have been shifted to Bareilly jail after this confirmation was confirmed in DM-level investigation. Two detained guards have been suspended for photography within the jail.