Toniebox: radio plays now also available without a figure


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Buying via download has some catches

Like the company recently announced, new radio plays can now also be purchased as a pure download and linked to an existing character. The purchase is made via the customer portal. The price per episode varies and starts at around 6 euros. For the time being, the offer is limited to new episodes of the series “Benjamin Blümchen”, “Bibi Blocksberg” and “Bibi & Tina”, further series are to follow shortly. But the option does not come without a catch. First of all, the download episodes can only be linked to one character in the respective series of radio plays. If you want to buy new “Benjamin Blümchen” episodes, you need at least one copy of the plastic elephant. In addition, the consequences (as is often the case with digital content) are tied to the respective user account and thus to a Toniebox. Unlike conventional Tonies, it is not possible to resell or rent the digitally acquired episodes.




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