In today’s computer gaming news, find out about how an in-game redstone computer was built so players could play Minecraft within Minecraft. Meanwhile, with the release of Patch 1.6 for Cyberpunk 2077, the game’s dysfunctional police system is finally getting a “full overhaul.” Lastly, despite a boom of indie monster-tamers, not one pokemon clone game have achieved the level of success enjoyed by Stardew Valley. Read on to know more here
Someone Built a Redstone Pc to Play Minecraft Inside Minecraft
Original Source: Someone crafted a redstone PC in Minecraft to play Minecraft inside Minecraft
The Chungus 2 is a functioning PC created inside Minecraft so you can play Minecraft while playing Minecraft. Oh no, it does more.
Known as the Computational Humongous Unconventional Number and Graphics Unit, this machine has the lowest specs I’ve ever written about. But kudos to Sammyuri and colleagues for boosting Minecraft redstone crafting.
In 2012, someone created a Minecraft-like game in Minecraft with redstone. It was merely a 2D version of the game, though. The 3D version.
These nerds built a virtual machine using Minecraft’s tools and code, then assembled it in-game.
The video’s splash screen says, “Built over many months with a lot of planning and effort.”
Then a disclaimer is given.
Some viewers, like those used to movies of simpler farms and piston doors, may not be able to appreciate the enormity of this build and may have their minds blown.
It’s fairly mind-blowing watching all the components work in real time, so we thought we’d provide you the specs so you can see what they made with Minecraft materials alone.
AMOGUS (Absurdly Massive Operator of Graphics) graphics processor has 6KB of graphics memory. It won’t make our best gaming PC guide, but I’m tempted to include it while my boss isn’t watching.
The 96 x 64p resolution is terrible, and the images are brown and brown. Then what? Working is what matters. You can construct, smelt, and receive fall damage in Minecraft, even if you need superpowers to know what half the things on the screen are.
One of the main questions is “Can it play Doom?” Although there’s no proof, it runs Tetris, Snake, Conways Game of Life, and Mandlebrot sets.
Sammyuri credits Mumbo Jumbo with “inspired me to begin my redstone journey in 2013.” They studied computer architecture and how to create it in Minecraft through the ORE Minecraft server community, and they recommend anyone wishing to learn the trade to check it out.
Sammyuri, Uwerta, and StackDoubleFlow made the Chungus; Dimdom10 ran the server and rendered some of their work. May they be remembered as the creators of Minecraftception, even though r/Minecraft modifications removed their post and locked the comments area.
Cyberpunk 2077’s Broken Police Will Get a ‘full Revamp’
Original Source: Finally, Cyberpunk 2077’s broken police will get a ‘complete overhaul’
Today’s Cyberpunk 2077 1.6 patch offers several changes that would be more interesting if they weren’t 18 months late. The transmog system and ripperdoc editing should have been in Cyberpunk 2077 from the start.
Also, Keanu Reeves is returning as DLC. Wow. But the finest Cyberpunk news wasn’t in update 1.6 or an expansion. It’s a single sentence from game director Gabe Amatangelo’s presentation today. Cops and automobiles are shown.
Players observed at debut that one gaming system was lacking. It was missing: police’s ability to respond credibly to crimes. If you had a warrant and tried to flee in your car, cops would chase you on foot even if their cars were nearby. You’d never see a cop car pursuing you, only more (on foot) in your way. Even if you shot someone in an elevator or the desert with no one else around, you’d be surrounded by cops because they’d appear behind you out of thin air.
I realize Cyberpunk isn’t GTA. I’m sure there’s more to it than adding cars=”true” into the game engine. But police who can teleport but can’t make a U-turn make the world feel unconvincing, which is disappointing in a city with so much detail. AI could drive in set patterns but struggled to vary from them.
It was obvious that this game was lacking a lot. Teleporting cops were a band-aid on a broken leg. Even in a scripted mission when you’re intended to escape from officers in a car, they’d vanish the second you stopped looking.
Some improvements have been made, but a genuine solution finally seems possible. Gabe Amatangelo says a “major rework of the cop system and vehicle-to-vehicle combat” is coming to Cyberpunk 2077. “Vehicle-to-vehicle” fighting seems like it won’t just be cops but other gangs, maybe even furious residents, that might chase you in the open world instead of only during planned setpieces.
It’s one throwaway remark in a 25-minute presentation, yet it’s more exciting to me than today’s 1.6 update or more Keanu. I guess Cyberpunk’s bugs didn’t irritate me as much as its unfinished state. I’m less interested in expansions than in Cyberpunk games performing as they should. The missing AI feels like a Cyberpunk 2077 puzzle piece.
When is the update? No one told me. The announcement is wonderful news, another step toward completing an incomplete game.
No Pokémon Clone Has Caught on Like Stardew Valley
Original Source: Why has no Pokémon clone taken off like Stardew Valley?
Stardew Valley is the top farming sim. Since 2016, it’s sold more than 20 million copies and sparked a flood of farm life PC games. No Stardew Valley moment for creature taming. Pokémon clones are common, yet none have Stardew Valley’s success, let alone Pokémon’s. If Stardew Valley found a way to reimagine a great Japanese series as an indie game, monster tamers haven’t found it.
“An RPG where [players] may design their own journey based on the characters they know is enticing,” say Coromon’s independent developers (opens in new tab). The issue for indies is that “players want to stick with what they know”
Some Pokémon clones have been successful, including MMO Temtem, which sold 500,000 copies in one month on Steam early access. Coromon achieved 100,000 sales on PC and Mac; the Switch version has added to that. Still, that’s a fraction of Pokémon Sword & Shield’s 24.5 million (opens in new tab).
Eric Barone patterned Stardew Valley on Natsume’s Harvest Moon, but it’s more popular and profitable. The director of Temtem says Pokémon casts a long shadow.
“Right now there’s hesitancy toward genre games that aren’t Pokémon,” he says. “I think we need to go forward a little and release more games in this genre before gamers recognize it as the monster-taming genre, not the Pokémon-like genre.”
“When the public adopts this perspective, games will be able to have their own personality and not be compared to their big brother and predecessor.”
Uncle Pikachu
Huge is right. In 2015, the Pokémon Company announced 440 million Pokémon software sales. Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl sold more in one year than Stardew Valley has ever.
Harvest Moon was popular but not a global phenomenon. Pokemon is the top-grossing media franchise ever. Perhaps most of us aren’t interested in taming monsters other than Pokémon. Developers haven’t given up on making Pokémon a genre, and Stardew Valley’s first step towards popularity is their attention.
Community is a strength of Stardew Valley. Barone posted development blogs and engaged with followers. Lucia Prieto, Temtem’s community manager, says the team’s engagement with its community is part of its success. Developers have started highlighting user-suggested changes with unique icons in the patch notes.
“The game was intended to be considerably harder, with a greater entry barrier, but our community made us realize that wasn’t as fun,” adds Prieto.
Even lesser monster-taming games thank community for their success.
“I don’t think many developers are as lucky as I am to have so many effective players,” Siralim Ultimate developer Zach Bertok adds. While we may not have the largest playerbase, I’ll prefer quality over quantity any day.
Communities like Siralim Ultimate’s help transform tiny monster-taming games into distinct enterprises.
Never copy Hoppip
Stardew Valley is Harvest Moon for PC, but it’s not a duplicate. It offers unique characteristics like deeper character customization and same-sex relationships.
Some monster-taming games follow the Pokémon formula. Coromon is like the GBA Pokémon games, where the new kid (or adult) gets a free Coromon from a professor. In Temtem, the child protagonist wants to become a “Temtem master,” but it’s also multiplayer.
“The social, MMO aspect is flashy and thrilling,” explains Prieto. “This alone modifies a lot of the genre’s key elements, but we built on that. Combat is always in pairs, and there’s no RNG during bouts… combat are tough in a way people don’t expect.”
Best “clones” use inspiration to create something new. Moi Rai Games’ Denis Sinner made Monster Sanctuary half monster taming and part metroidvania for this reason. Sinner thought Pokémon lacked stakes or strategy, therefore his team concentrated on player choice.
“I wanted Monster Sanctuary to encourage synergetic skill setups and squad compositions,” he continues. “A comprehensive skill tree for every monster gives players a lot of tactical possibilities to create and test around.”
Monster taming games are hard. Everyone must escape Pokémon’s shadow or develop within it. Developers have found success with supportive communities and innovative features, but not a smash hit. Content producers still call monster-taming indies “Poke-clones” or “Pokémon rip-offs,” but Jochem and Marcel are optimistic.
“Now that more independent monster-tamer games are cropping up, all with their own distinct spin, people are rethinking non-Pokémon monster-tamer games,” they add. We may never know why no monster-taming games
Summary of Today’s Computer Gaming News
To put it simply, someone did create a redstone pc in minecraft. This is Chungus 2 is a fully functional PC that was created entirely within Minecraft, allowing players to play Minecraft within Minecraft.
Meanwhile, version 1.6 of Cyberpunk 2077 has been released. The director of the game has stated that “the cop system as well as vehicle-to-vehicle combat” are both undergoing major changes.
Lastly, Stardew Valley’s success is unmatched by Pokémon clones. MMO Temtem sold 500,000 copies in one month on Steam early access last year. Coromon exceeded 100,000 sales on PC and Mac, which the Switch version has added to. That’s a fraction of Pokémon Sword & Shield’s 24.5 million.