Magnat Monitor Active 2000 put to the test: a blast with Bluetooth


Magnat Monitor Active 2000 © Magnat

The Monitor Active 2000 from Magnat offer great sound for comparatively little money.

The Magnat Monitor Active 2000 look like hi-fi boxes from the 80s, but contain modern technology: an amplifier is built into the active boxes, and music can be played via analog and digital stereo inputs and via Bluetooth. The sound quality is outstanding for this price range: very balanced, natural, effortless and with an excellent stereo image. The boxes play pretty much everything that can be found for less than 400 euros.


  • Very balanced natural sound
  • Excellent spatial imaging
  • Many connection options
E.Contrary to popular belief, Bluetooth boxes are by no means always small and portable: wireless transmission has developed into a versatile and reliable connection that HiFi experts like Magnat have been using for some time. With the Monitor Active 2000, the company from Pulheim (North Rhine-Westphalia) is now throwing classic stereo boxes with Bluetooth technology into the ring at an affordable price. The Monitor Active 2000 costs only 250 euros. Other manufacturers offer significantly smaller PC speakers or even smaller portable boxes at this price. COMPUTER BILD has tested whether Magnat’s loudspeakers convert their size advantage into better sound.

The best bluetooth speakers

Active 2000 monitor with an 80s look

The speaker pair from Magnat comes in a simple black wood finish. One of the two boxes contains all the technology with connections, amplifiers and Bluetooth receivers, the second is connected with a 3 meter long cable. There is an LED light on the main box for colored feedback on inputs with the remote control – for example in pairing mode with Bluetooth. The permanent glow on the front is not a problem, but not everyone likes it. If desired, the front can be covered with two fabric panels. With dimensions of 17.5x29x20.5 centimeters each, the boxes fit on a shelf, on a sideboard next to the record player or on a large desk. At a total of 8.2 kilograms, the stereo speakers weigh a lot, so you better ensure a secure hold if both boxes should find space on the shelf. Speaking of hold: rubber feet on the underside offer a secure footing. A power cord to the main unit is compulsory because Magnat has deliberately omitted a rechargeable battery.

Magnat Monitor Active 2000 © Magnat

Fit in almost every shelf: The Magnat Monitor Active 2000 are relatively inconspicuous and are perfect for living rooms and the like.

Magnat offers connections for almost everything

Magnat Monitor Active 2000 © Magnat

Cool thing: thanks to the built-in phono amplifier, turntables can be connected directly to the Bluetooth box.

Monitor Active 2000 far ahead in terms of sound

  • Very balanced natural sound
  • Excellent spatial imaging

* The cheapest price may be higher in the meantime.




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