Characters returned to Fortnite in Season 8. Here are all of the Fortnite character locations in the new season, along with which ones offer upgrades, prop disguises, bounties, and more.
Fortnite first introduced NPCs in Season 5, with the large-scale overhaul of the economy. NPCs are back once again in Season 8, and they are just as useful as they have been in previous seasons.
However, with the return of the Punch Card system, NPCs are more important than ever. Players will need to find and talk with NPCs to start questlines. These quests are the main way players will earn XP throughout the season.
Without further ado, here are all of the Fortnite Character locations in Season 8.

Fortnite Season 8 character list
Here is a list of all of the Fortnite characters and their locations in Season 8. As well, this list details what each character sells and offers players. The bold offers are Mythic weapons.
Character Name | Location | Offers |
Baba Yaga | Dampy Dish | New Brew Quest Line |
Fabio Sparklemane | Apres Ski | Party Locale Quest Line |
Dark Jonesy | Steamy Stacks | Spooky Story Quest Line, Rift |
Kor | Misty Meadows | Sniper Elite Quest Line, Automatic Sniper |
Dusk | South of Primal Pond | Vampire Combat Quest Line, Shadow Tracker Pistol, Disguise |
Torin | Cap’n Carp Delivery Truck | Monster Research Quest Line, Reveal Future Storm Circle |
Kitbash | Dirty Docks | Making Friends Quest Line |
Madcap | Corny Crops (East) | Mushroom Master Quest Line |
Penny | Retail Row (West) | Build Passion Quest Line |
Pitstop | Boney Burbs | Stunt Training Quest Line, Dragon’s Breath Sniper, Reveal Future Storm Circle |
Charlotte | Pleasant Park | IO Heist Quest Line, Rail Gun |
Scuba Jonesy | Coral Castle/Coral Cove | Surf Turf Quest Line, Rail Gun |
Cube Assassin | Sideways Anomalies | Hostile, Mythic Sideways Minigun |
J.B. Chimpanski | Weather Station | War Effort Quest Line, Rail Gun, Reveal Future Storm Circle |
Toona Fish | Viking Vessel | Hue-ge Discovery Quest Line |
The Brat | Fork Knife Food Truck | Hot Dog Quest Line, Chug Cannon |
Wrath | West of Deep Woods Dish | Escaped Tenant Quest Line, Reveal Future Storm Circle, Marksman Six Shooter |
Big Mouth | Pizza Pit | Tooth Ache Quest Line |
Grim Fable | Wasted Woods | Wolf Activity Quest Line |
Nitehare | Weather Station | Hop Awake Quest Line, Rift |
Raven | Hyrdo 16 | Dark Skies Quest Line, Rift |
Dire | Camp Cod | Wolf Pack Quest Line |
Ragsy | Risky Reels | Shield Technique Quest Line |
Ariana Grande | Believer Beach | Monster Hunter Quest |
Containment Specialist | Camp Cod | Ghostbuster Quest |
Cube Queen | The Convergence | Boss Fight |
Fortnite characters locations Season 8 map
Luckily, the folks at Fortnite.GG has an interactive map of all of the NPCs in Season 8.
Here’s a map of all of the NPCs in Fortnite Season 8. We’ll keep this updated over the course of the season as more appear or are found around the map. Bigfoot, for instance, is missing from this list. We’re not sure whether that’s because he isn’t there or just hasn’t been found yet.
- Disguised man: offers a prop disguise
- Pink Rift: allows you to activate a Rift
- Yellow Cloud: Reveal Future Storm Circle

Compared to seasons past, the number of Fortnite character locations in Season 8 is very minimal. As well, players can no longer upgrade weapons through NPCs. The pool of Mythic weapons has also been minimized.
For more Fortnite, check out how to get Rainbow Ink to customize Toona Fish, and stay tuned for more news and guides.