Full Sword Master Story character tier list – Every character, ranked | Articles



These are the best characters in the game, and they’re all 5-star and rare. Pulling them will be difficult, but if you get these characters in your team you know you’re doing well for yourself. Cross your fingers and summon…

Name Class Rarity *s
Ares Warrior 
Artemis Archer 
Athena Mage 
Cain Warrior 
Dark Mage 
Dark Lord Mage 
Gaia Archer 
Joan of Arc Mage 
Lilith Mage 
Mary Archer 
Odin Mage 
Lucifer Mage 
Yui Healer


These are all solid characters that will work really well for you while playing through the game, but if you can trade them out for S-tier characters, do so.

Name Class Rarity *s
Aina Mage 
Ananke Mage 
Chaos Warrior 
Ceres Mage 
Eve Archer 
Hestia Warrior 
Johan Healer 
Kalisia Mage 
Medea Mage 
Medusa Mage 
Nike Archer 
Rachael Healer 
Lyn Warrior 
Vivian Warrior 
Rina Archer 


These are the common characters you’ll be playing as early in the game, and if you upgrade them, they can become fairly strong. That said, these really are the bottom of the barrel, and if you can trade them out for something stronger, you should do so as soon as you can.

Name Class Rarity *s
Adolph Archer 
Alice Archer 
Chloe Healer 
Bella  Warrior 
Hera Mage 
Hippolyta Warrior 
Lena Mage 
Iris Healer 
Merlin Mage 
Robin Archer 
Sophia Mage 
Sylvia Archer 




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