Beyond a Steel Sky Walkthrough 4 – Graham’s messages, finding inspiration, Aspiration Gala, controlling Joey and more | Articles


Beyond a Steel Sky is a true successor to the classic PC adventure game Beneath a Steel Sky, by which I mean it can be a bit difficult if you’re not thinking like an adventure game developer.

There are twists and turns, unexpected uses of items, odd characters to interact with, and a bunch of jokes in the mix. But we’re here to help you with those brain-teasing puzzles so you can move through the story of Beyond a Steel Sky without too much stress.

In this, the fourth part of this walkthrough, we’re covering Graham’s messages, Tarquin’s inspiration, getting into the Aspiration Gala, getting into the Control Room, finding Orana and an old friend, seeing Ember from the beginning of the game, and even finding Milo, at long last.

Just take a look below for all of that and more, and just in case, here are our other Beyond a Steel Sky guides…

Previous walkthroughs

The next walkthrough





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