The Sims 4: Build/Buy Mode Cheats For PS4, Xbox One, PC & Mac


Wish you could make jaw-dropping build like other simmers? Use these Sims 4 build/buy cheats!

Sims 4 Build Buy Cheats

The Sims has always been a popular game and many play just to build and decorate – guilty as charged. We hope The Sims 5 will go even further in terms of build/buy mode.

Building in The Sims can be tough but cheats can unlock so much potential, EA even encourages players to take advantage of them.

We’ve got every build/buy mode cheat for Sims 4, which work across PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One.


How To Enter Cheats In The Sims 4

To enter Cheat Codes in The Sims 4, you must first open the Cheat Console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your PC or Mac, while in-game.

To open the Cheat Console on PS4 and Xbox One you have to hold down all four triggers at the same time.

This will bring up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter cheats.

Open the cheat console and input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below.

Sims 4 Build Buy Cheats
ARCHITECT SIMULATOR: Live your builder dreams without spending years at uni.

READ MORE: Sims 4 Cheats: All cheat codes for PS4, Xbox One, PC & Mac

Build/Buy Mode Cheats

Cheat Code Result
bb.moveobjects Combine objects by ignoring placement rules (Move Objects on)
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock all career rewards (including styled rooms)
Shift + ] Increase the size of objects
Shift + [ Decrease the size of objects
Click roof and use Shift + C Add more options to manipulate roofs
bb.showhiddenobjects Buy Debug mode (adds extra objects)
bb.showliveeditobjects Unlocks over 1000 extra world environment objects to your game (you’ll also have to use the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they show up)
bb.enablefreebuild Edit the Hospital, Police Station and the Science Lab in The Sims 4 Get To Work and the Magic HQ in Realm of Magic. This will also work on secret lots.

You can find a full list of all Sims 4 cheats here!

The above cheats have been sourced from Sims Online.




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