The new Sideways Anomalies introduced at the start of Fortnite Season 8 are ridiculously overpowered. Here’s why you need to be visiting these anomalies.
Fortnite Season 8 is off to a weird start. Where the past few seasons had themes that were easy to understand, Season 8 is a black swan.
With Cubed being the Season 8 title theme, a bunch of Kevin Cubes have popped up all over the map. Like in Chapter 1, these cubes roll around the map leaving destruction in their wake. But there’s even more to this season’s madness.
Epic Games also threw in the new Sideways biomes. These are zit-lit bubbles that appear on the map that are infested with dangerous creatures. However, the Sideways Anomalies are smaller biomes that are game-changing additions to Fortnite.

What are Sideways Anomalies in Fortnite?
There are two ways players can enter The Sideways in Fortnite Season 8. The first and most popular is via The Sideways biome that appears on one of the POIs at the start of every match. These biomes do not disappear, and they are heavily populated by players and monsters.
However, The Sideways biomes are not as accessible or rewarding as the Sideways Anomalies. Sideways Anomalies appear as purple rift-like markers on the map, and there are three on the map at all times.
When approached, the rifts will expand and create a smaller Sideways biome. Cube Monsters will begin to spawn, and players will be able to spend a small amount of time inside the anomaly before it closes. Once the Sideways Anomaly closes, another one will appear on the map.

Why Sideways Anomalies overpowered
Aside from the larger Sideways biome, players tend to ignore the Fortnite Sideways Anomalies. However, players should visit every Sideways Anomaly they can. Here’s a list of reasons players should visit the Sideways Anomalies.
- Siphon health from Cube Monster eliminations
- Easily get max ammo from Cube Monsters
- Easy way to get Mythic Sideways Weapons
Every time a player kills a Cube Monster, they will gain health and shield. And since the Cube Monsters are easy to kill, players can get full health and shield super quickly. As well, Cube Monsters drop a lot of ammo when eliminated.
Players can also get overpowered Mythic Sideways weapons after visiting 1 or 2 Sideways Anomalies. But what makes these so overpowered is the small number of players that visit them.
Yes, you can get all of these benefits from the large Sideways biomes, but it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter an opponent at Fortnite Sideways Anomalies. Having a biome all to yourself takes the edge off of getting geared up.
Are you a fan of the new Sideways biomes, and have you tried the Sideways Weapons yet? Let us know your thoughts on our FortniteINTEL Twitter page.
For more Fortnite, check out where to find every Mythic weapon in Season 8, and stay tuned for more news and guides.